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Big Basingstoke Sleep Out

May's Bounty Sports Ground, Basingstoke                                                                                Friday 15 March 2024                                                                                                           
Free for anyone under 16 and £5 for adults to register

Local homelessness charity Julian House is bringing the Big Basingstoke Sleep Out back to May’s Bounty Sports Ground. Families, friends and colleagues are challenged to sleep outside for just one night, swapping soft beds for sleeping bags and cardboard.

Julian House has an outreach team on the streets of Basingstoke and Deane 7-days a week, making sure anyone who has been forced to sleep rough, or is leading a street-based lifestyle, understands the options available to them.  Last year Julian House provided life-changing support to over 2,000 vulnerable people who were experiencing, or at risk of homelessness across Basingstoke and the South-West.

Julian House encourages people of all ages; families, friends and work colleagues, to sign up early and start their fundraising.

To take part with a team or by yourself, go to the website Big Basingstoke Sleep-Out | Julian House | Homeless Charity | Sponsored Sleep-Out