D-Day 80 and Armed Forces Day
Milestones Museum, Basingstoke
29 June - 30 June
Entry to see the military convoy display and access facilities on Saturday 29 June is free.
Milestones Museum in Basingstoke will be commemorating the Armed Forces Day weekend with a whole host of activities for all ages, including the return of Commemorative Convoys, who last visited the museum in 2019 to mark D-Day 75.
On Saturday 29 June, the living history museum will host the assembly and departure of a 48-strong military vehicle convoy on the field outside the museum from 9am-10am. The display will feature classic military and supporting vehicles, along with a selection of motorcycle outriders from the Royal British Legion Riders Branch and Royal Air Forces Association. The D-Day 80 anniversary convoy departs at 10am and will travel via Kingsclere, Greenham Business Park and Newbury Town Centre, arriving at 12:30pm at Triangle Field in Hungerford.
At 10am, a bugler will play and Basingstoke veterans and the Royal British Legion will wave off the vehicles alongside the public as they leave in convoy.
Once the convoy has departed from the museum, the military-themed activities will continue inside Milestones. On Saturday, vintage vocal trio The Blue Stockings will perform 1940s and 1950s favourites, combining the tight harmonies of a bygone era with sassy choreography and a swinging style. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be pub sing alongs from the incredible Frankie Heartless with old-fashioned glamour and songs in the style of Ava Gardner from Kate Aherne on Sunday.
As well as this, visitors can meet re-enactors who will be plotting World War II battles. Dressed in character, the group have the equipment to showcase how Winston Churchill and his generals would have watched how battles were progressing from Churchill’s War Rooms. They will be performing demonstrations throughout the weekend.
Activities hosted inside the museum across the weekend are included in museum entry or with a pay once, visit all year ticket. Some activities may incur an additional charge. Milestones Museum will be open during normal opening times on Sunday 30 June.