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World Party

Love Basingstoke chats to Basingstoke Multicultural Forum, the organisers of World Party.

Tell us about World Party

The World Party is a glorious celebration of the incredible diversity of our wonderful town and surrounding areas which comprises of over 75 different communities. Supported by our local council, civic and businesses, thousands experience the cuisine, music, dance and cultures from around the world. Activities for children and adults alike with kids’ rides, henna, face-painting, free workshops and a whole lot more are on offer. Basingstoke Multicultural Forum (BMF) has been organising this event since 2010 in Eastrop Park in Basingstoke, although we did have to skip the COVID years.

This year, the BMF is determined to make a come back for the World Party post-COVID as there were several requests from local communities. Bringing it back shows that it is possible to celebrate and showcase culture safely after years spent largely in isolation, when solace was being sought online almost exclusively. Since the pandemic, digital entertainment (as well as socialising) platforms have been expanding exponentially.

What can people expect from this year’s event? 

On the day of the event, BMF will be organising performances by professional artists, running an art workshop and awarding an “Art award” to the performers participating in the workshop. BMF is engaging with a number of local schools to run this workshop and other artists to run various artistic activities.

There will also be a parade attended by local schools and community members. A number of communities from multicultural background will be showcasing their cuisines at the event.

Where and when will it be running?

This year the event is taking place at Eastrop Park, between 10am and 5pm on Saturday 17 June.

Is there a charge to attend?

It is free entry and open to all ages.

What are your favourite parts about this particular event?

Celebrating bringing different cultures together through art, performing art, food and various other organised activities in the Eastrop Park.

Tell us more about the Basingstoke Multicultural Forum? 

The Basingstoke Multicultural Forum (BMF) is an umbrella organisation for communities of diverse cultures, ethnicity and religion. Our membership includes 27 Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups, plus many individual members mostly from BAME backgrounds.

Our Vision: To be the catalyst for inclusion, social cohesion and respect for diversity amongst the different communities in Basingstoke

Our Mission: Promote better understanding and cohesion between communities of diverse cultures, ethnicities and religious backgrounds.

Trustees (9 in total) are recruited from various communities and professional backgrounds to ensure effective running of the charity, to provide a platform for BME communities to connect with their heritage and support their socio-economic development built links with relevant agencies and service providers to ensure that people in hard-to-reach communities get the services they need and participate positively in civic society. Several members from communities are involved in running activities.

Stay tuned to BMF website and Facebook page for future events.

Our thanks to Basingstoke Multicultural Forum for this guest blog. 
June 2023

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